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MarÃa del Mar Muñoz-Visoso, Executive Director of the Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington, DC.
Mar previously served as assistant director of Media Relations. Before joining the Bishops’ Conference, Mar worked for the Archdiocese of Denver, where she served in various capacities, including being co-founder and first executive director of Centro San Juan Diego, a pastoral institute and adult education center for Latinos, director of Hispanic Ministry, and editor of El Pueblo Católico, the Spanish-language archdiocesan newspaper. Mar has a B.A. in Communications from CEU San Pablo University in Valencia, Spain, and a Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.) from the Madonna University in Livonia, Michigan. She currently serves on various boards, including the Board of Directors of the Hispanic Access Foundation and the Advisory Board for the Latino Pastoral Leaders Initiative of Leadership Roundtable. In 2010 Mar received the Benemerenti Medal from Pope Benedict XVI for exemplary and sustained service to the Catholic faith.
Mar Muñoz-Visoso es directora ejecutiva del Secretariado de Diversidad Cultural en la Iglesia en la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Estados Unidos (USCCB) en Washington, DC, donde también se desempeñó como directora adjunta de relaciones con los medios de comunicación. Antes de unirse a USCCB, Mar trabajó para la Arquidiócesis de Denver, donde ejerció varios cargos. Fue cofundadora y primera directora ejecutiva del Centro San Juan Diego, un instituto pastoral y centro de educación de adultos, y también fue directora de la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano, y editora general del periódico arquidiocesano El Pueblo Católico. Mar posee una licenciatura en Ciencias de la Información con especialidad en periodismo por el C.E.U. San Pablo/Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, España, y una MaestrÃa en TeologÃa por la Madonna University en Livonia, Michigan. Actualmente también forma parte de varios consejos corporativos incluyendo la Junta Directiva de Hispanic Access Foundation, y el consejo asesor de la Iniciativa de LÃderes Pastorales Latinos de Leadership Roundtable. En 2010 Mar recibió la Medalla Benemerenti de parte del Papa Benedicto XVI por su servicio sostenido y ejemplar a la Fe Católica.

Benito Medrano, Hispanic Ministry Coordinator, Diocese of Fresno, CA
Benito serves parish groups of Pastoral Juvenil Hispana, migrant ministry, and apostolic movements. He serves in the leadership team of Region XI’s Committee of Pastoral Juvenil where he collaborates with other diocesan leaders of the region, and is an interim member at large of La RED, National Catholic Network of Pastoral Juvenil Hispana.
Benito Medrano es coordinador del Ministerio Hispano de la Diócesis de Fresno, CA, donde sirve a grupos parroquiales de Pastoral Juvenil, pastoral migrante, y a movimientos apostólicos. Es parte la mesa de coordinación del Comité de Pastoral Juvenil de la Región XI donde colabora con otros lÃderes diocesanos de la región, y es vocal interino de La RED, Red Católica Nacional de Pastoral Juvenil Hispana.

Hosffman Ospino, PhD, Associate Professor of Theology and Religious Education at Boston College, School of Theology and Ministry
Hosffman Ospino, PhD is an Associate Professor of Theology and Religious Education at Boston College, School of Theology and Ministry where he is also Chair of the Department of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry. He is Director of the university’s Graduate Programs in Hispanic Ministry. Dr. Ospino is the principal investigator for several national studies on Hispanic Catholics. He is currently advancing a national study on how Hispanic Catholics discern vocation to ecclesial ministry. He has authored/edited 13 books and more than 130 essays, academic and general. Dr. Ospino serves on the boards of several national organizations, including the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA). He is President of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States (ACHTUS) and an officer of the Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA).
El Dr. Hosffman Ospino es profesor de teologÃa y educación religiosa en la Escuela de TeologÃa y Ministerio de Boston College. Allà sirve como director del Departamento de Educación Religiosa y Ministerio Pastoral al igual que de programas de postgrado en ministerio hispano. Es el investigador principal de varios estudios sobre católicos hispanos. Actualmente avanza un estudio nacional sobre vocaciones hispanas. Ha escrito y editado 13 libros y más de 130 ensayos, académicos y generales. El Dr. Ospino es miembro de la junta directiva de varias organizaciones nacionales, incluyendo la Asociación Nacional de Educación Católica (NCEA, por sus siglas en inglés). Actualmente es el Presidente de la Academia de Teólogos Católicos Hispanos de los Estados Unidos (ACHTUS, por sus siglas en inglés) y uno de los oficiales de la Sociedad Teológica Católica de América (CTSA, pos sus siglas en inglés).

Marilyn Santos, Associate Director of the Secretariate of Evangelization and Catechesis at the USCCB
Marilyn previously served as the Director of Mission Education in the National Office of the Pontifical Mission Societies in the United States. She has held leadership positions in youth, young adult and cultural diversity ministries in the Archdiocese of Atlanta, the Diocese of Brooklyn and the Diocese of Metuchen. Marilyn served as the President of La RED- the National Catholic Network de Pastoral Juvenil Hispana and as a consultant for the USCCB Secretariat on Laity, Marriage, Family & Youth . She served as a VIDES-Salesian Sisters Missionary in Ecuador. She has spoken and presented workshops at multiple national and diocesan conferences and gatherings including those sponsored by the USCCB, NCEA, NCCL, NFCYM, LA Religious Ed Congress and the Mid-Atlantic Congress. She currently serves as a member of the Holy Name Province of the Order of Franciscan Minors (OFM) Formation and Studies
Marilyn Santos es la directora asociada de la SecretarÃa de Evangelización y Catequesis en la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos. Anteriormente se desempeñó como Directora de Educación Misionera en la Oficina Nacional de las Obras Misionales Pontificias en los Estados Unidos. Ha ocupado puestos de liderazgo en ministerios de jóvenes, jóvenes adultos y diversidad cultural en la Arquidiócesis de Atlanta, la Diócesis de Brooklyn y la Diócesis de Metuchen. Marilyn se desempeñó como Presidenta de La RED, la Red Católica Nacional de Pastoral Juvenil Hispana y como consultora de la SecretarÃa de USCCB sobre Laicos, Matrimonio, Familia y Juventud. Ella sirvió como VIDES-Hermanas Salesianas Misioneras en Ecuador.
Ella ha hablado y presentado talleres en múltiples conferencias y reuniones nacionales y diocesanas, incluidas las patrocinadas por NCEA, NCCL, NFCYM, LA Religious Ed Congress y Mid-Atlantic Congress. Actualmente es miembra de la Dirección de Formación y Estudios de la Orden de los Franciscanos Menores (OFM) de la Provincia del Santo Nombre.

Most Reverend Bruce A. Lewandowski, C.Ss.R., Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Baltimore
Ministry highlights: Parish priest, pastor and/or superior in New York, West Indies and Pennsylvania; vicar for Cultural Ministries, Archdiocese of Philadelphia; pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus/Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Parish, Highlandtown; vicar for Hispanic Ministry, Archdiocese of Baltimore.
Workshop B (Español)
La respuesta pastoral al pecado del racismo
with Bishop Bruce A. Lewandowski, C.Ss.R

Mr. Peter J Ductrám, Senior Director of Ministries for the Catholic Diocese of Dallas.
Mr. Ductrám was born in Lima, Peru; served in ministry in Peru, Chile, Brazil, and the United States. Mr. Ductrám is the father of three beautiful children. He earned a Master of Arts in Theology (2005) and a Master of Divinity, with specialization in the Bible (2015) at the Catholic Theological Union, Chicago. Mr. Ductrám is currently finishing his doctorate degree at Barry University.
He served as the archdiocesan Director of the Institute for Lay Ecclesial Ministry for the Archdiocese of San Antonio. He also served as Director of Catechesis for the Archdiocese of Miami. He also worked on Hispanic Ministry, Religious Education, and Evangelization for the Archdiocese of Chicago. Currently serves as president of the Federation for Pastoral Institutes, and a board member of the Council on Intellectual Disabilities (NCPD).
Author of “7 Steps for Parish Reflection,” a series of three bilingual books aim to continue the V Encuentro dialogue process based on Pope Francis’ encyclical letter and apostolic exhortations.
Workshop C, English
How to work with ecclesial structures – best practices

Kathia Arango es la directora de la Oficina para Católicos Hispanos en la Arquidiócesis de Filadelfia
Kathia sirve como presidenta del Comité Nacional Hispano de la Renovación Carismática Católica en los Estados Unidos y Canadá y es miembro de la Junta Directiva de la Asociación Nacional Católica de Directores Diocesanos de Ministerio Hispano (NCADDHM). A nivel internacional, Kathia es miembro del Consejo Carismático Católico Latinoamericano representando a Estados Unidos y Canadá, desempeñándose previamente como representante regional juvenil de América del Norte y el Caribe ante el mismo consejo.
Kathia es originalmente de Paraguay, posee una MaestrÃa en TeologÃa y realizó un diplomado en liderazgo en el Instituto de Formación de CHARIS en Roma.
Kathia es madre de dos niñas mellizas y está dedicada a la evangelización, siendo oradora en varios retiros y conferencias a nivel nacional e internacional, incluyendo el Encuentro Mundial de las Familias, Filadelfia 2015. Kathia es la autora del libro Sean Mis Testigos.

Andrés Arango es el Delegado del Obispo para el Ministerio Hispano y Director de Evangelización en la Diócesis de Camden, Nueva Jersey
Actualmente, Andrés es el Presidente de CONCCLAT (Consejo Católico Carismático Latinoamericano) y miembro del Consejo de CHARIS (Servicio Internacional de la Renovación Carismática Católica) basado en el Vaticano, representando a Norte América y el Caribe. Andrés ha servido como consultor del Subcomité de Asuntos Hispanos de la USCCB (Conferencia Estadounidense de Obispos Católicos) y miembro del Equipo Nacional del V Encuentro de Ministerio Hispano. Andrés tiene una MaestrÃa en Estudios Teológicos y ha predicado en varios retiros y conferencias a nivel nacional e internacional. Es el autor de los libros Sean Mis Testigos; Renovación Carismática Católica: Una Corriente de Gracia; Espiritualidad y Oración: Una GuÃa para Hablar con Dios y Vivir como Jesús.
Andrés Arango is the bishop’s delegate for Hispanic ministry and director of evangelization for the Diocese of Camden, New Jersey. Currently, he is the president of the Latin-American Catholic Charismatic Council (CONCCLAT) and member of the International Service of Communion for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CHARIS) based in the Vatican, representing North America and the Caribbean. Andrés has served as a consultant to the USCCB Subcommittee on Hispanic Affairs and member of the National Team of the V Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry. Andrés holds a Master’s degree in Theological Studies and has spoken at various conferences nationally and internationally. Andrés is the author of the books “Catholic Charismatic Renewal: A Current of Grace”, “Be my Witness” and “Spirituality and Prayer: A Guide to Talk to God and Live Like Jesus”.
Workshop D (Español)
Sinodalidad con los movimientos eclesiales y nuevas comunidades with Kathia & Andres Arango

Scott Hurd, Vice President for Leadership Development, Catholic Charities, USA
Scott has twenty-eight years’ experience in professional ministry at the national, diocesan, and parish level. Scott
has degrees from Oxford University and the University of Richmond, has authored five books, and
received writing awards from the Association of Catholic Publishers and the Catholic Press Association.
At present he serves as board chair of the Catholic Climate Covenant.
Scott Hurd es Vicepresidente de Desarrollo de Liderazgo en Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) y tiene veintiocho años de experiencia en el ministerio profesional a nivel nacional, diocesano y parroquial. Scott tiene tÃtulos de la Universidad de Oxford y la Universidad de Richmond, es autor de cinco libros y recibió premios de escritura de la
Asociación de Editores Católicos y la Asociación de Prensa Católica. En la actualidad se desempeña como presidente de la junta directiva del Catholic Climate Covenant.

Roberto Rojas, Senior Advisor for National Hispanic Engagement, U.S. Church Engagement Division
A native of Argentina, Roberto Rojas completed studies in Philosophy (M.A.) and Theology (M.A.) in Mendoza (Argentina) between 1989 and 1996. Rojas studied Counseling at Fu-Jen University in Taiwan (R.O.C) 2004 /05 and got his Certificate of International Pastoral Ministries at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles (2006). His extensive international career includes 20 years of teaching experience at various levels including high school, college/university, and Catholic seminary; and 15 years of pastoral experience in Argentina, Taiwan (ROC), China, Papua New Guinea, and the US. Rojas has been part of the faculty at the Institute for Leadership in Ministry under the Diocese of San Jose teaching morality, ethics, social justice, and history of the church since 2006 to 2010. He has also been a member of the Human Concern Commission in the Diocese of San Jose. In 2013 Rojas was hired by Catholic Relief Services to work as Relationship Manager for the US West Region. Since 2014 he has work for CRS as Senior Advisor for National Hispanic Engagement.
Workshop E (English)
Synodality from the perspective of social justice The domestic reality (Catholic Charities) and the International reality (CRS) with Scott Hurd and Roberto Rojas

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Bishop Alberto Rojas . The Executive Board