National Recognitions Form

National Recognitions Form

¡NCADDHM 30 Años Caminando Juntos!

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Members of the Board are invited to identify national colleagues who, through their leadership and service in Hispanic Ministry, have advanced the vision and mission of NCADDHM.

Content Submission

Board Members submit a 300-500 words description (narrative) for the candidate (s) to the full Board for review. This will allow the Board the opportunity to learn about the candidates and raise any questions, observations or concerns before final vote and selection. The narrative and photo will be posted on our webpage highlighting our 30 years celebration. The intended number of honorees is 12 in total.


In order to reflect the integrity of NCADDHM, the candidates should be a recognized national leader in the Hispanic community. The candidates should have, at minimum, a collaborative relationship with NCADDHM.
Nomination One

Narrative can be typed in the box below or uploaded with photo/video.

English and Spanish, 300 – 500 words description (narrative)
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
File types: .png, .jpg, .doc, .pdf, .mp4, .mov
(Optional) Nomination Two

Narrative can be typed in the box below or uploaded with photo/video.

English and Spanish, 300 – 500 words description (narrative)
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
File types, .png, .jpg, .doc, .pdf, .mp4, .mov
