Faith Leaders: Clean Dream Act Support Letter


Dear Faith Leaders,

My name is Ned Moore and I am the Development Director of Asamblea de Derechos Civiles, a faith-based organization that aims to bring the gospel into the public arena by taking action for social justice.

I am writing to urge you to take action with me in light of the urgent situation of the DREAMers whose lives hang in the balance following the Trump Administration’s cancellation of the DACA program. Antonia Alvarez, a community leader and mother of 3 Dreamers, is currently on Day 2 of a 10 Day hunger strike for her children and 800,000 young people. See Antonia’s powerful call to action here or see video below.

To support this cause, we are asking you and faith leaders from across the country to sign a letter demanding Congress take action on the Dream Act, providing permanent legal status and a path to citizenship for young people increasingly at risk for deportation.

Please review and sign on to our letter by following this link. We will be accepting signatures until 12pm on Friday, December 8, at which point we will begin delivering the letters to key members of Congress.

Please also share with other religious leaders you know that will be interested in supporting.