Orientation Speakers

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F. Javier Orozco, NCADDHM President
Expertise: Catholic theology, intercultural ministry, ecumenical and interreligious dialogue, Hispanic ministry and theology, intercultural competence, and Catholic social teaching.
Professional Title: Executive Director of Human Dignity and Intercultural Affairs
Professional Experience: Over twenty years of professional experience in religious, educational and community affairs. Skilled in Catholic theology and ministry, ecumenical and interreligious leadership, intercultural competence, public speaking, teaching, writing and research. 
Phone: 314-608-5546 
Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.convivenciachurchproject.org/

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Alejandro Aguilera-Titus, is the National Coordinator for the V Encuentro. He is also the lead staff for Hispanic ministry for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops under the Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church. During his thirty-five years in ministry, Alejandro has worked at the parish, diocesan, regional and national level, and has participated in the III Encuentro and the IV Encuentro (Encuentro 2000). He is co-founder of the National Catholic Council of Hispanic Ministry (NCCHM) and the National Catholic Association of Diocesan Directors of Hispanic Ministry (NCADDHM), and serves on the board of these and other national Catholic organizations. Alejandro is an adjunct faculty at the University of Dallas, and is co- author of the series Prophets of Hope with St. Mary’s Press. Alejandro has an M.A. in Theology and is a Doctor in Ministry Candidate at Barry University.

Official Title: Assistant Director for Hispanic Affairs and V Encuentro Coordinator, USCCB

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Ana María Hernández-Alstrum has worked for many years in the Hispanic Ministry in México and the US.  She was the Director of Hispanic Catechesis in the Archdiocese of Hartford in CT until last November. 

Ana María Hernández-Alstrum ha trabajado por muchos años en el  ministerio hispano en México y en los EU. Ella era la Directora de Catequesis para Hispanos en la Arquidiócesis de Hartford en CT hasta noviembre pasado. 

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Javier Cervantes, NCADDHM Secretary
Expertise: Hispanic Ministry, Catechesis, Marriage Preparation, Biblical Theology, Public Speaking.
Professional Title: Diocesan Director for Hispanic Ministry Professional
Experience: Javier has worked for more than 25 years in different ministries within the Catholic Church at parish and diocesan level, in the United States and Mexico. He has been a keynote & guest speaker on different topics in retreats and conferences, with special emphasis on topics for family and married couples. Currently he serves as the Diocesan Director for Hispanic Ministry in the Diocese of Colorado Springs. Javier was elected to secretary of the Executive Committee of NCADDHM and serves as the representative of Region XIII. He is the Diocesan leader for the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry.
Phone: 719-866-6520
Email: [email protected]

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Roberto Navarro has over 25 years of experience in management, teaching, and ministry experience in the Catholic Church. Roberto currently serves as Senior Director of US Church Engagement at Catholic Relief Services where he represents CRS at different departments of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Bishops, Catholic seminaries, regional, and diocesan catholic organizations.
He is an adjunct professor at the Mexican American Catholic College (MACC) where he teaches Theology courses in the Deaconate Formation Program in the Archdiocese of San Antonio and in the collaborative Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Ministry program between MACC and the University of Incarnate Word (UIW).
Roberto is also part of the team of leadership consultants at the Catholic Leadership Institute whose purpose is to provide bishops, priests, religious, deacons, and lay persons in the Roman Catholic Church with world-class, pastoral leadership formation and consulting services that strengthen their confidence and competence in ministry.
Prior to joining Catholic Relief Services, he served in the Diocese of Austin in different departments, in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston as the Director for Young Adult and Campus Ministry and in the private sector as operation manager in a manufacturing company.

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Roberto A. Rojas
A native of Argentina, Roberto Rojas completed studies in Philosophy (M.A.) and Theology (M.A.) in Mendoza (Argentina) between 1989 and 1996. Rojas studied Counseling at Fu-Jen University in Taiwan (R.O.C) 2004 /05 and got his Certificate of International Pastoral Ministries at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles (2006).
His extensive international career includes 20 years of teaching experience at various levels including high school, college/university, and Catholic seminary; and 15 years of pastoral experience in Argentina, Taiwan (ROC), China, Papua New Guinea, and the US.
Rojas has been part of the faculty at the Institute for Leadership in Ministry under the Diocese of San Jose teaching morality, ethics, social justice, and history of the church since 2006 to 2010. He has also been a member of the Human Concern Commission in the Diocese of San Jose.
In 2013 Rojas was hired by Catholic Relief Services to work as Relationship Manager for the US West Region. Since 2014 he has work for CRS as Senior Advisor for National Hispanic Engagement.

Roberto Rojas | Senior Advisor for National Hispanic Engagement | U.S. Church Engagement Division
408-607-4415 | [email protected]
Skype: robertoadrian1
4080 Centre St. #101 | San Diego, CA 92103
www.crs.org | www.crsespanol.org

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Rosaura Soto has been involved in ministry for over 35 years she is a Master Catechist in the Diocese of San Diego where she resides. Presently, she is the Bilingual Educational Consultant for Loyola Press formerly the Director of Catechetical Ministries at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, downtown San Diego.  Before that she taught Religion and was Campus Minister at Vincent Memorial Catholic High School, Calexico, CA for 12 years.  She earned a B.A. degree in Behavioral and Social Sciences from San Diego State University, and a Youth Ministry Credential from the Center for Youth Ministry Development.

Rosaura Soto
Bilingual Consultant of Faith Formation
Asesora Bilingüe
[email protected]

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Dominic (Nick) Yonto is the Director of Sales at Loyola Press. He holds a bachelor’s degree in history and a master’s degree in education from the University of Notre Dame. Dominic earned his master’s degree through the Alliance for Catholic Education Teaching Fellows program where he taught middle school social studies and religion in Tampa, Florida. After completing the program Dominic moved to Chicago and began work at Loyola Press as an Educational Consultant. This allowed him to continue his involvement in Catholic schools and religious education.

Dominic Yonto | Director of Sales
[p] 773-281-1818  x322| [email protected]
A Jesuit Ministry  
3441 N. Ashland Ave. | Chicago, IL 60657 www.loyolapress.com

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Marco Salas es Magíster en Creación Literaria por la Universidad Internacional de Valencia. Estudiante de Teología en la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá. Actualmente dedica parte de su vida a la formación teológica, pastoral y espiritual de discípulas y discípulos de Jesús. Correo: [email protected] 
Redes: @soymarcosalas.

*unable to attend


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Rev. Alejandro López Cardinale
Vitae Information

Rev. Alejandro López Cardinale is a diocesan priest ordained for the Archdiocese of Caracas, Venezuela, (class 1991). He ministries in the Archdiocese of Boston since April 2017 (in process of incardination), and currently he is pastor of St. Benedict, in Somerville and Director Assistant/Chaplain for the Hispanic Ministry in the Archdiocese of Boston. He is also the president of Hispanic Diocesan Directors Association for Region 1. 

He has two masters: Catechesis from Catholic University, Paris-France (Institut Catholique de Paris), and Pastoral Juvenil – Hispanic Youth and Young Adult Ministries (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Quito, Ecuador). He recently started a new master in urban ministry at Universidad Católica Lumen Gentium, Mexico and still pursuing his doctoral ministry in Practical Theology at Université Laval, Québec, Canada. 

*unable to attend

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Edwin Ferrera serves as the Director for Hispanic Ministry for the Archdiocese of Seattle, a role he assumed after concluding his tenure as the Director for Multicultural Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the same Archdiocese. With over 25 years of ministry in various settings, his pastoral experience includes: serving as Vice President for the National Network of Pastoral Juvenil Hispana (2014-2016); serving as a member of the National Advisory Team on Young Adult Ministry to the Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (2017-18); V Encuentro Regional Co-Chair (2017-present); and Chair of the Northwest Regional Office for Hispanic Affair (2017- present). Edwin received B.A.’s in Philosophy & Literature from Mount Angel Seminary in Oregon and an M.A. in Pastoral Counseling from Seattle University. A native of El Salvador, Edwin moved to Los Angeles, CA at age 15. Edwin and his wife are proud parents of their three children and enjoy spending time together exploring the natural beauty of Western Washington.
Edwin can be contacted at [email protected].
Facebook & LinkedIn @Edwin Ferrera
Twitter: @ferreraed

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Lia Salinas , NCADDHM Vice President
Expertise: Pastoral, catechesis, RCIA, multi-cultural ministries, small faith communities (CEBs), etc.
Professional Title: Director of Hispanic Ministry
Professional Experience: Lia has worked in Catholic ministry for over twenty years, serving in the Archdioceses of Miami, Washington, Baltimore, and Arlington. Her specialization is in catechetical, pastoral, multi-cultural ministries, Rite of Christian Initiation, among others. She currently serves as chair of the Episcopal Regional IV for the process of the National V Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry and as a consultant/speaker for Liturgy Training Publications and RCL Benziger. Her leadership and service to the community has been recognized by Catholic Relief Services with the “2019 Hispanic Heritage Partner Award”. Lia earned her bachelor’s degree in theology and her master’s degree in pastoral theology from Saint Joseph’s College in Maine. She holds a certification from Franciscan University in Steubenville as Director of Religious Education and is currently undertaking a digital evangelization certification offered by the Juan Pablo II University of Costa Rica.
Phone: 703-622-6675
Email: [email protected]
Professional Website: https://www.facebook.com/SalinasLia

Music Liturgy

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Silvio Cuéllar nació en Córdoba, Argentina y creció en Bolivia. Emigró a los Estados Unidos en 1990. Es músico pastoral, compositor, periodista y conferencista en temas de liturgia, vida y familia. Es coordinador diocesano de la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano de la Diócesis de Providence, Rhode Island, Editor Asociado del periódico El Católico de Rhode Island y director de música en la parroquia San Patricio en Providence, donde dirige 2 coros en Inglés y 3 en Español. 

Contacto: 401-714-8096
[email protected]


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Theresa Orozco, ossm
My name is Theresa Orozco. I am an alumna of DePaul University where I studied intercultural communications. Currently I serve in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. My interests are in bridge building through technology and digital art story telling, by celebrating our creation from urban scenes to desert lands and community.
